The Shadow Gods (Rebels and Curses Book 2) by Ripley Proserpina

The Shadow Gods (Rebels and Curses Book 2) by Ripley Proserpina

Author:Ripley Proserpina [Proserpina, Ripley]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-12-09T18:30:00+00:00


Orestes and Leo joined us in our suite less than an hour after we'd gone to our respective rooms. Lifting my eyebrows, I waited for Orestes to meet my stare. His answer was a smug smile.

Jealousy would have eaten the old Paris alive. I never would have shared a woman. If my history told you anything, it was that I was willing to steal what I wanted.

This was different.

Leo was different.

And these were my brothers. I'd give my life for them.

Achilles ordered dinner, and like a general, he'd ordered enough for an army. The smell filled the room, making my mouth water. Over the past few days, I'd eaten when I had to, but I had no memory of what it was or what it tasted like. It was just fuel.

This was a feast. Like a thunderbolt, I suddenly remembered the last feast I'd eaten. The next day, Achilles had killed Hector in battle, and I'd killed him.

That chased my appetite away. Not wanting my sudden turn in mood to be picked up, I stacked my plate with fish and bread, pasta and vegetables, and dug in.

Maybe I was the only one with a knot in his stomach. Not even Hector seemed bothered. He laughed and ate and looked for any excuse to touch Leo.

My brother had come alive. That was the only way to describe him now. All those emotions he kept hidden roared to the surface. He let them out. He laughed. Laughed.

Fear made my stomach knot. We had so much to lose. Not that we hadn't lost everything, but the first time it happens, leaving you dazed and empty and wondering what the hell had happened, you don't have anything to compare it to. The utter ripping out of your guts—no one can prepare for that.

But now? I had muscle memory of loss. I could feel it right down to my bones. The possibility of it happening again terrified me.

And it didn't just scare me for me. There had to be an emotion worse than terror. I was staring at a truck, frozen in place, as it barreled toward the people I loved most in this world. If there was an emotion for that, then that was my feeling.

Unable to swallow another bite, I picked up my glass of wine and took a huge swallow.

No one noticed how dark I'd gone. They were orbiting Leo like moons. That's good. It meant they didn't feel the impending doom I did. I wasn't so selfish to wish my friends and brother mirrored me.

Turning my attention to Leo, I studied her. Her face was flushed, pink instead of that pale cream and gold color. Her brown eyes were happy and focused on whatever Orestes was saying.

She lifted her glass to her lips, and that was when I caught it. The slight tremor. The way her gaze darted at me, then back to Orestes. Her smile was wide but a little tight.

Something was bothering her too.

She sat across from me, so I watched her.


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